I notice the friends are in an Anne Frank attic instead of a boarded up basement this time.
The giving to ones in need pic shows literature and bible, but no food or money
i notice the friends are in an anne frank attic instead of a boarded up basement this time.. the giving to ones in need pic shows literature and bible, but no food or money.
I notice the friends are in an Anne Frank attic instead of a boarded up basement this time.
The giving to ones in need pic shows literature and bible, but no food or money
from post.... "breaking news from japan ... actually quite extraordinary news.
just got off the phone to a good pimo friend in japan.
I see a local needs coming. " do not read lies put out by opposers". No sharing videos or experiences.
And a rearranged circuit with at least one fewer congregations
for many years since the witness organization, after i have told people that i'm no longer a jehovah's witness, people would say "oh the religion were people are not allowed to drink!".
"no they drink alright.....they can't do much of anything else but they do drink!".
in fact the first place i ever got drunk was bethel.
Not wine with a meal, or aperitif, but slugging it down, sometimes with zantac. A long gone elder told me about the meeting, drink to keep things going. Only thing missing was seegars
I had " shepherding" calls where they has some wine to relax us
since we need to get our only news from jw.org and it isnt even mentioned.. i have some mormon friends, they are reposting pics and info.
fasting day, prayers, and relief.
Since we need to get our only news from JW.org and it isnt even mentioned.
I have some mormon friends, they are reposting pics and info. Fasting day, prayers, and relief
i am actually not a 'sky is falling' guy, but i wanted to comment on the australian bushfires.. you may or may not believe the science behind global warming, however i personally put more faith in verified, scientific data than the words of fat cat, self-serving politicians.
climate science has predicted, based on data, that we will see more prolonged, extreme weather events, higher average temperatures, rising sea levels due to ocean expansion and glacial melting.
and this is exactly whats happening.
Climate change is not a hoax. The hype and solutions are. It has always been in flux .
recently, some activists decided to interrupt a train that was delivering coal.
police were called and 10 hours later the activists were dispersed.
it’s not unusual now to see picketers close down a bridge or a street for “climate change “.
Make them actually live within the bounds of their beliefs. No plastics, no medicines except local herbs, keep the cow in the house for heat, no fresh food in wjnter, walk, outhouse.
Im reality there was a lot of trading through history, herbs were used for medicine, and not just locally. Flint was imported to areas where it could not be found. The list goes on.... at some point we have gotten too far away from some of this
it brings to mind my niece when she see`s how dry the countryside is ,how armageddon must be so close..
Any chance of getting NZ to set off a volcano and earthquake?
fader here - last meeting was in autumn 2005. lurker on this site and others.
not one to get all controversial.. typical situation, pretty much a born in and left the church at age 38 and never looked back.. i'm 53 now, parents getting older - late 70s but very active, dad is still an elder.. parents, in laws, brother and brother-in-law still uber active jws.. my family (wife and 2 adult children) out since 2005.. we have stayed close to our parents - we have treaded religion lightly and have had a pretty good relationship and have kept our personal lives and beliefs/opinions separated from them.
this was intentional - as we love them and do not want anything to cause shunning since they are getting older and want to be there for them and we respect their beliefs.. got this letter today.
Ignore it. If necessary family business comes uo ( death, birth, illness or...) communicate the information. Otherwise leave tge ball in their court.
Next year put up lights
so proud of this counter that i made!.
very simple yet shows the estimated amount of people that are living that are from the generation of 1914, defined as "all the people who were alive, even just barely being born, when ww1 started".. here's what i assumed:.
10% of the 1.7 billion people alive in 1914 were infants, just children.
Dont forget that satan beibg thrown to earth started ww1 as he was really throwing a tantrum. Except it started before the October 4,5 date they use. Time warp?
my very much in wife commented with no prompting that they have a hierarchy in prayers.
bless the gb, co, elders, pioneers.
if the ill or shutins are mentioned that is all, not so much as a phone call let alone a visit.
My very much in wife commented with no prompting that they have a hierarchy in prayers. Bless the GB, co, elders, pioneers. If the ill or shutins are mentioned that is all, not so much as a phone call let alone a visit. I wont live long enough to change her; she also commented how i dont seem to have a strong belief now.